Communication yields 4.8 billion search results. There are an infinite amount of lists telling you the 5 things every great communicator knows. Communication is complex, but do not overcomplicate it.
Read MoreWhether it is through rubber bands, fly fishing, or bread, tension is a cornerstone in generating performance.
Read MoreFor all the talk about listening in the world, most leaders spend little time focused on the most integral aspect of quality listening.
Read MoreLike plants, people are predisposed towards growth. Also like plants, that growth will not wait to be timely and convenient for you.
Read MoreOrganizations are increasingly fixated on culture. Few, however, spend enough time examining the prevailing ways of thinking which inform culture.
Read MoreReflection exists amidst a handful of invaluable commodities; because something is invaluable does not make in unquantifiable. If anything, it makes quantification and qualification imperative.
Read MoreYour mind uses logic as a means to navigate a complex reality. Not all logic is equally useful, nor readily available, in every circumstance.
Read MoreThe adage that negativity bias is a cognitive relic from when hominids needed to identify danger to survive is overly simplistic.
Read MoreThough frequently used interchangeably, equilibrium denotes a thoughtfulness around the broader systems and forces that often are the downfall of pursuits in balance.
Read MoreA growth mindset is about more than being open to new concepts and perspectives. It also involves the discipline and attention towards application.
Read MoreThink about where you routinely have your most genius ideas. Spoiler alert: it is not at work.
Read MoreYour mind is a magnet for novel stimuli. While this can support incredible observational abilities, it can also lead to endless distraction in new environments.
Read MoreHumans are fantastically clever, resourceful creatures; they are also, ironically, terribly effective at constraining this ability through their language.
Read MoreWhen everything goes sideways, and your attention is centred on navigating change, you have a sneaky opportunity to effectively shift habits.
Read MoreConsciously and unconsciously, you are fixated on having certainty; when certainty is absent, your mind works overtime.
Read MoreAn estimate is a guess based on your experience. The problem is you organize around estimations as if they were comprehensive evaluations.
Read MoreSometimes the best leadership lesson is simply remembering who you are and offering it.
Read MoreEconomically, considering the future is natural. Including the present and time spent to achieve a decision around the future takes a bit more focus.
Read MoreStandards can feel constraining. A lack of standards can feel overwhelming. Thoughtful leaders find a balance, and awareness, in between.
Read MoreYou have a plan to get organized and a strategy for a process. Yet the immediacy of acting today gets in the way; time to think about it differently.
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