Social Distancing
Six months ago, social distancing was unfamiliar.
It was your strategy at Thanksgiving when awkward topics arose during dinner.
Today, social distancing is anything but distant to your lexicon.
The intention behind the term is important.
Creating distance and general measures of isolation compared to your normal routine are essential.
Physical distancing is a better term.
Humans, at their core, are highly social creatures.
Distancing socially is akin to distancing from water, or food, or oxygen.
Your social needs are imperative to your survival.
You frequently take care of social needs before biological needs without second thought.
If you have gone to a meeting hungry, thirsty, or held your bladder just a bit longer, you proved the point.
Your motivation for reward or from punishment is socially-driven.
When it comes to social distancing, respect your fundamental cognitive needs.
Keep physical distance, maintain social connection.
Your brain and mental well-being will thank you.
Coffee tastes just as nice virtually,
-Morning Cup
What is this? Science for you! Scientific considerations around Social Distancing.