The moment where you demonstrate an ability is the tip of the iceberg; if you are focused on just that, you are missing the significant mass.
Read MoreA trick that makes you think can be useful. That is no cause, however, to make it out to be more than what it is: a trick.
Read MoreWhen so much effort is focused on moving forward with speed, what do you do when you accomplish exactly that?
Read MoreLeaders preach the concept of creating from nothing. Conceptually, this is valuable. When it comes to the actual creation it is problematic.
Read MoreA finish line does not signify the end; albeit a significant milestone, it is nonetheless one of many.
Read MoreEcologists refrain from overly dramatic or superficially positive reactions to change. Instead they examine the trophic cascade within the ecosystem.
Read MoreEverything you know, you know because at some point you accepted someone, or something, you trust to be correct. What about when they are wrong?
Read MoreHigh performance through a perfectly rounded game is a myth. A myth perpetuated by your cognitive fixation on weakness.
Read MoreYou can look at learning as building with Legos or as sculpting a piece of marble into a statue. The latter is better suited to effective leadership.
Read MoreThoughtful leaders are keenly attuned to the legacy which they are cultivating; a simple concept that, in practice, can be painstakingly rigorous.
Read MoreNewton's Third Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. To fill space, it must be given.
Read MoreContracts help define contribution. If you find yourself contributing before defining a contract around how or what to contribute, you skipped a step.
Read MoreMisalignment is the root of many business challenges. Misappropriated alignment quickly becomes the poisonous antidote.
Read MoreGetting things done takes action and resolve. Making long-term, sustainable behaviour change involves cognitive pivots.
Read MoreRaising your hand to wave at someone: not that hard. Raising your hand to speak something imperfect but necessary: painstaking.
Read MoreSave the trees reminds you that your actions impact the environment. What reminder do you have to remember your actions impact another human?
Read MorePausing to see how far you have come is invaluable; it may even remind you that beginning to walk was the most genius decision you made.
Read MoreLooking forward is effective to avoid tripping. At some point, however, you need to pause to see how far you have come.
Read MoreAsking a question that brings parties together and enables forward momentum takes significant consideration and skill.
Read MoreThe feedback sandwich does not work and you probably know it, but your mind is built to keep giving it, even without you knowing.
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