The most valuable skills are iceberg-shaped.
There is the outward, visible tip of the skill that everyone sees.
This is observed when the skill is leveraged.
Whether the skill is decision-making, resilience, or leadership, the iceberg exists.
What you see when observing someone else is the above-water manifestation of the skill.
It is easier to focus on what is visibly accessible; icebergs are a reminder that this is misleading.
Great decision-making begins with greater question-asking beforehand.
Resilient people originate from intentional care prior to the onset of adversity.
Game-changing leadership is developed at practice, not games.
The moment you need to leverage a skill is not the time to develop the skill.
Thoughtful leaders tend to their skills under the water-line in preparation for the tip of the iceberg moments.
What's cooler than being cool? Iced coffee,
-Morning Cup