The power of attention density is immense; it enables insight to transform neuronal circuitry.
Read MoreIf you are waiting to be free of constraints, you will be waiting a very long time; forever, to be exact.
Read MoreBatman has Robin. Tryptophan has carbohydrates. Every protagonist needs support along the way; developing your skills is no different.
Read MoreIf cell phones were the problem, you could throw them away and never be distracted again. You would still be distracted, but now without a cell phone.
Read MoreThe latin origins of the word perfection refer to a state of completeness; modern usage has evolved the word into a trap of impossibility.
Read MoreIf you are in a rush to find the perfect answer, you have already started in the wrong direction.
Read MoreIt is time to reevaluate whether "fighting the good fight" is actually a good thing.
Read MoreWhat do germs, blockchain, bias, and FOMO have in common? They each established language around a previously incommunicable idea, enabling growth.
Read MoreSometimes, remembering to breathe is challenging. Who keeps you accountable to slowing down, and taking a breath when you forget?
Read MoreYour team wants to grow. You want them to grow. What kind of space are you allowing them to grow within?
Read MoreYou remember your growth as a collection of pivotal moments; thoughtful leaders are intentional with the value of a moment as it occurs.
Read MoreThis is a list about the ineffectiveness of lists, creating an unfortunate catch-22.
Read MoreWhether you are looking to fix, solve, grow, or develop something, you are probably leveraging faulty logic, yielding an incomplete picture.
Read MorePerhaps you need to eliminate some stress; distinguishing between positive and chronic stress, first, is key to performance.
Read MorePrioritization is not a skill, rather, lack of prioritization is indicative of perfectionism and consensus-driven thinking.
Read MoreYou think you need training, but probably you do not.
Read MoreSometimes the game needs to be changed. Sometimes you need to pay attention and observe the change.
Read MoreIf you are looking for something and find it, you feel rewarded; you are also incapable of attending to other relevant stimuli.
Read MoreThoughtful leaders achieve mastery by seeking out opportunities to be beginners.
Read MoreLeaders are tasked with creating structure; this is often confused with making rules.
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