
Homeostasis is the occurrence of a complex system automatically pushing back against a force trying to change it.
Biologically, homeostasis is essential for life.
Homeostasis enables equilibrium to occur.

Your mind abides by the principles of homeostasis.
Cognitive homeostasis represents the mind’s automatic push-back on forces that might cause change.
The mind prefers equilibrium over the uncertainty of new thinking.

The flaw with cognitive homeostasis is that the mind equates equilibrium to the status quo.
This results in autonomous push-back against change.
It results in a state of equilibrium that is not equilibrium, but simply comfortable.

This is why, when told to do something, your first reaction is to disagree; even if you do agree.
Perhaps your first thought to that statement was to disagree… oops.
If you want to pivot your perspective, you must push harder than your mind pushes back.

Vitamin C-offee,
-Morning Cup