
10% of hospital staff were washing their hands before entering a patient's room.

If this seems alarmingly low, you are correct.

100% washing would be preferable.

The hospital endeavoured to shift the behaviour.

From training to communications to rewards to punishments.

Nothing was effective. Gross.

Fear not, your deepest hospital germ fears do not go unsolved.

A screen was installed tracking how many people washed their hands.

It displayed the percentage of the team that successfully washed their hands.

Instead of focusing on individual failure, the success of the team was highlighted.

Each member saw how their actions contributed to the team accomplishing its goal.

Hand washing jumped, consistently, to nearly 90%.

Teams are filled with socially-motivated humans.

Enabling members to see their direct contribution to the team is essential.

Instead of focusing on what is going wrong, catch them doing things right.

If you want to change behaviour, positive feedback works.

Teamwork, works.

Coffee for President,

-Morning Cup

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