Process orients us to consider the importance of sequencing.
Equally valuable is the role of spacing.
Having the steps sequenced in the correct order is insufficient.
You could grind your coffee beans, place them in a filter, and pour water over them, which is the proper sequence.
The spacing of when you grind your coffee beans, 5 minutes or 5 weeks, before placing them in the filter matters.
Equally important is the spacing of pouring the water over the grounds: there is a difference between drowning your coffee and allowing it to percolate.
When brewing coffee, you allow space within sequenced operations.
Why would you treat your cognitive abilities any differently?
You need spacing to perform.
Brewing coffee and generating insight are not so different.
Great coffee requires the space to percolate.
Genius insights do too.
Crab legs and coffee, that’s what Oregon does,
- Morning Cup