
If you are debating whether mind-body connection is a thing, all you need is to look at an image of the body overlaid by the nervous system.
Take our word for it: they completely overlap.
Rather than thinking of them separately, the useful framing is that they are two components that create a whole.

While the science on polyvagal theory is still emerging, it does make an important distinction.
Your physical state does not exist in isolation; nor does your cognitive. 
You might be tired; you also might be in a dorsal state because your cognitive load has exceeded your capacity.

Listening to your body in high stakes scenarios is important.
The more consistent practice worth building is considering your day-to-day states and actively connecting physiological sensation with cognitive stimuli and processing.
Think of it as practicing for a game: it will enable greater performance when the results really matter.

As a leader, be the catalyst that enables your team to pause and build this practice.

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