
Within the category of investments, monetary investments are relatively simple.
While the types, strategies, and means to do so can be overwhelming, the basic logic is straightforward.
An investment of money yields a greater return of money over time than you would have otherwise.

The logic holds true for other sorts of investments, such as investing in the development of your team.
There is one problem in this logical transference.
The nebulous nature of development and its return cause you to relate to it differently.

5% return on $100 is tangible and allows your mind to feel certain.
5% return in a team member’s awareness and overall growth certainly sounds nice.
Your mind does not process all 5% returns equally.

The most significant barrier to growth for most teams and leaders is not access to development.
It is committing to an investment with seemingly nebulous return.
Ironically, no one has ever made that commitment and walked away unchanged.

It is easy to fall into attempting to craft the perfect development strategy.
Instead, commit to an investment; from there, define the change and get into action.
Development, like monetary investments, often pays greatest dividends to those who are patient and consistent.

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-Morning Cup