You have a watch that can track your steps, standing time, and even your breath.
You live in a time where your access to data is increasing exponentially.
Within your business you can track an infinite amount of data categorized into any dataset conceivable.
Sleep data can be valuable.
Tracking sleep data with no application toward action is information consumption.
This is tantamount to buying vegetables and leaving them in the refrigerator.
The allure of data consumption is that it creates a false sense of progress.
You allow yourself to feel rewarded for the novelty of data while wasting the real potential associated with changing the way you think or act.
Does your data instigate behaviour change?
If not, you might be deluding yourself that data consumption alone is generating change.
Or perhaps you are simply collecting the wrong data.
Data, at its pinnacle of usefulness, provokes perspective-altering insights which drive behaviour change.
Cumulonimbus lattes,
- Morning Cup