Think about where your thinking has been over the last hour.
How about the last half day? Or week?
As you scale out, it becomes an impossible task to think of all the thinking.
There is also that one thing that sticks out as taking up more thinking time.
It is the little thing that is taking a lot of cognitive energy.
If you could remove the time spent fixating (actively and passively) on this, what impact might that create?
The impact of passive fixation is easy to downplay.
You tell yourself it is not slowing down your ability to perform on other things.
It is.
When making priorities, consider the importance of the item.
Simultaneously, analyze the discrepancy between the magnitude of an item and the cognitive energy leveraged.
Finding a fix for a fixation might free up the brain resources necessary to solve the important work.
Expecto Cappuccino,
- Morning Cup