When it is late and your are overwhelmed, going to bed and reassessing in the morning is well-advised.
When you have a big decision to make and are back-to-back in meetings, a quick coffee break can make all the difference.
When you are on a long, hot hike, a stop near a creek in some shade is magical.
The common denominator: breaks matter.
A break is not the absence of action; it is the space between that enables performance.
Not convinced? Try operating without breaking for sleep and see how well you do after just 24 hours.
The challenge with breaks is it can be difficult to admit to yourself when one is needed (insert heaps of social beliefs, pressures, and cognitive dissonance hindering you).
Leaders remind their team to take breaks.
A great coach knows when to call a timeout; are you doing the same for your team?
Break me off a piece of that Coffee Crisp bar,
- Morning Cup