
Your mind approaches autonomy in a self-focused manner. 
You consistently evaluate the perceived state of your autonomy with your desired state. 
The net difference in perceived reality and desired state generates your relative satisfaction. 

Your mind approaches autonomy in a mostly binary manner. 
You either have it or not, and you are the main factor impacted by variables within the equation. 
In reality, your state of autonomy is not independent.  

As a leader of a team, autonomy becomes a more complex equation with a variety of variables.
Consider: at what point does achieving your desired autonomous state detract from the autonomous state of others?
A +1 autonomy for you, at the cost of -3 autonomy for three others, is not net beneficial.

When approaching autonomy, examine the system in conjunction to your immediate perceived state.
Thoughtful leaders seek to elevate systemic autonomy. 

The endless summer latte,
- Morning Cup