Your brain is built to focus on your current reality and make assertions about the predictable future.
This is partly why becoming stuck in fixating on the past, rumination, correlates as a symptom for depression.
On the other hand, actively creating space for your mind to observe and reflect on the past can be highly beneficial.
Reflecting on where you began, whether it be a role, a project, or even a relationship challenges your brain.
It challenges your brain by pulling it out of its immediate reality-focus and predictable future loop.
When the path forward is murky, look back.
Where did you begin?
The answer to the question is likely to create a positive affective response, whether it be gratitude, pride, or even awe.
Shifting your immediate affective state also shifts your brain’s immediate interpretation of reality.
Sometimes the next best step is to go back to the beginning.
If ever I believe my coffee is done, Then I’ll start back at one,
- Morning Cup