
Consider what a snowman really is: millions of tiny snowflakes combined to create something.
Regardless of your team or organization’s size, a snowman is a relevant metaphor for what you are trying to create.
Each person, idea, and project is a snowflake contributing to something bigger.

The key to making a snowman is not to labour endlessly, year-round, trying to build one.
You make a snowman by preparing as much as you can, but also by getting into action when the time is right (i.e.- the snow falls).
Success depends on the balance between planning and being nimble based on conditions.

Sometimes you get stuck in the loop of making a snowman without realizing the sun is out and summer has
arrived and you are just playing in a puddle.

Other times you are inside sipping cocoa without looking outside to see the conditions are perfect.
As a leader, your job is to strike the balance with your team: build capacity to perform but also make the decision when it is time to build the snowman.

I’m dreaming of a flat white Christmas,
- Morning Cup