Positive Emotions

List as many positive emotions as you can.
Hint: there are 10.
Spoiler: happiness is not one of them.

Chances are you would find the other end of the spectrum, labelling negative emotions, easier.
Emotions are more than “feeling a certain way.”
Emotions are an embodied state with corresponding urges and physiological characteristics.

While the causes and scenarios for positive emotions are infinitely diverse, the foundation of what they are is simple.
Despite being generally desirable, most folks know rather little about positive emotions.
Case in point: could you easily list all 10 positive emotions?

You tend to treat emotional state the same way you treat challenges.
With a challenge, your mind quickly jumps to how you feel and what, if any, solution might be necessary.
The common thread between emotions and challenges is that some level of change must occur to create them.

Before digging into your emotion, corresponding feeling state, or a challenge, identify what changed.
There is a wealth of insight to be captured in the moments between the occurrence of change and being swept away by your ensuing feeling state.

Green eggs and coffee,
-Morning Cup

Interest sparked around the 10 positive emotions?
Stay tuned for a dive into each over the coming weeks.