In sport, pacing is a critical skill to develop along the path toward mastery.
From endurance running to martial arts, your capacity to understand and harness pacing can be the difference between finishing and crashing halfway.
Pacing reflects an ability to understand the end goal while also being attuned to your current state and potential.
In business, pacing often feels like a futile negotiation around incessant sprinting.
A dissonance exists between the very real, finite capacities of your cognition and the concurrent, very unrealistic expectations you have of your mind.
You would not expect your body to run a daily marathon, nor would you also insist that you sprint it.
Pushing and challenging your assumptions around capacity is an important practice.
Pacing is about creating the foundation and capacity for you to do so effectively and sustainably.
The best way to increase performance might be to decrease your pace.
Coffee is measured by liquid ounces of flourishing,
-Morning Cup