You are going to the dentist.
Imagine the trip; think of every single detail.
Despite your maximum focus, you cannot fully imagine the experience.
You are bad at anticipating future events.
Your brain applies experiential memories and social context to help predict the trip.
The paradox is that despite consistently underperforming in accurate prediction, you believe you are great.
But wait, there is more.
You are ineffective at anticipating who you will be in the future.
You examine a future event with regard to who you are today.
It is impossible not to do this.
Like visualizing a chimera, you can only conceive of your future identity from an existing understanding.
This explains the universal sense of awe that people feel when considering their journey over the last decade.
What data are you leveraging to create your anticipation of future events?
The dentist is not as bad as you imagine.
Your ability to accurately imagine is not as good as you believe.
7th inning coffee break,
-Morning Cup