Haecceity, n.: the property or quality of a thing by which it is unique or describable as “this (one).”
It is the subtle, sometimes unseen but felt, traits or virtues that make a thing, a specific thing.
Derived from latin (haecceitas), it is literally translated as “thisness.”
The haecceity of a frog is the unique “frogness” that only it can be.
The haecceity of yoga is the essence that is physically indescribable, yet makes it not be football, nor Pilates.
The haecceity of kombucha is being the sweet nectar of the gods.
There is a state of being that is quintessentially you, and no one else.
This state is your “thisness,” your haecceity.
Life is the tension of exploring and revealing your haecceity within a society that would prefer you not.
Joy is the experience of choosing action in accordance with your haecceity.
Esse est coffee,
-Morning Cup