
If failure exists as a possibility, and you care about the outcome, then fear exists. 
Fear creates a paradox of action. 
It can paralyze you or it can catalyze you. 

In Hebrew, “yirah” represents the awe of being in the presence of greatness, along with the fear of it. 
In Greek, “arete” represents the unique version of excellence you can live into and embody. 
The pursuit of arete necessarily comes with the experience of yirah. 

Each time you step onto a bigger stage (figurative or literal), you pursue arete. 
You also experience yirah. 
Acknowledging that the fear is part of the process of you growing into something greater than you were before drives performance. 

Fear, as an emotion, represents a cognitive process in the brain to cause focus. 
Fear might mean danger. 
It also might mean you are becoming something greater than your mind previously thought possible. 

Keep it short, have a cortado,
- Morning Cup