
Team-centric thinking organizes and focuses on the results of the team.

Problem-centric thinking organizes and focuses on the challenge presented by a unique problem.

Both approaches have utility.

Your organization is built on a team-centric foundation.

You have a product team, a finance team, an operations team, etc.

First the team is organized, then the problems are identified and solved.

Team-centric organization requires significant collaboration across distinct teams.

Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to pivot the paradigm within which it exists.

Problem-centric thinking places the unique challenge at the centre, rather than the team.

Consider how you might organize around the problem rather than shape the problem around the existing team.

Instead of working harder within your existing approach, you may simply need to work at pivoting your approach.

Rarely are there team-shaped problems.

Coffee is an omoplata for fatigue,

-Morning Cup