
Awe is one of the more elusive positive emotions.
Unlike gratitude or joy, awe requires a level of serendipity to occur.
Awe is the state of being overwhelmed by greatness.

Although you may find many things to be awesome, chances are the truly awe-some moments stand apart.
A walk though an ancient, untouched forest or a brilliantly clear night sky with infinite shining stars could create it.
Or perhaps witnessing someone achieve or overcome a challenge that exceeded your mind’s predictable future induced awe.

Awe enables your mind to accept and accommodate the new.
It is an immeasurably powerful emotion for navigating change.
Anyone who has witnessed a birth will attest to that capacity.

The most important aspect of awe is that it connects you to feeling part of something bigger.
As social creatures, the desire for belonging lies within every dream, goal, and fear.
If you really want to get to know your team, find out the moments that caused them to be in awe.

The moths drank all the coffee,
-Morning Cup

Interest sparked around the 10 positive emotions?
This is week 10 of a dive into each; start from the beginning