Visual acuity can be measured through a psychophysical exam.
It is impacted by eye and retinal health as well as the sensitivity of the interpretive faculty of the brain.
20/20 represents a measurement of normal acuity in an adult human.
20/20 is often incorrectly labelled as "perfect" vision.
Most children have visual acuity greater than 20/20.
Eagles have 20/4 visual acuity.
Vision is about more than 20/20 sight.
Mantis Shrimp have 12 colour photoreceptors, 4x more than humans.
Cats only have 20/100 visual acuity but need 1/6 of the light as humans to see clearly.
As a leader you are accountable for providing a clear vision.
20/20 defaults as the metaphor for visual acuity.
If you evaluate most animals based on a 20/20 metric, nearly all would fail.
Your job is not to bring perfect clarity; leave that to fortune tellers.
It is to define how to measure acuity and recognize the differing needs for clarity across your team.
Otherwise, your eagles will be dissatisfied and your cats will instead go play with yarn.
Café et croissants,
-Morning Cup