
Social threat or reward is a primary driver behind your behaviours.
Humans are fundamentally socially motivated.
Witnessing a socially-valued accomplishment generates pride.

It is easy to consider pride in terms of satisfaction for a job-well-done.
For many, pride is present amidst quality work and missing when feeling stretched thin.
Pride signifies something much deeper than the quality of an accomplishment.

Pride occurs when social values are demonstrated.
It unlocks an important cognitive process.
Pride in yourself or someone else enables a greater level of achievement-motivation.

Distilled down: pride enables you to dream big.
Your ability to be inspired is connected to the emotional state of pride.
If you are looking for inspiration, pride is an essential positive emotion.

Leaders generate and take pride in their team.
Pride opens the door to goal pursuit.
The pursuit of previously unrealized goals is performance.

Horton hears a cappuccino,
-Morning Cup

Interest sparked around the 10 positive emotions?
This is week 7 of a dive into each; start from the beginning