
Last week's email had a 48.8% open rate.

1 person unsubscribed.

10% of people read the email at 5am.


Reading that data is no different than reading this:

In the two minutes you read this email, 510 people will be born.

It tells you nothing.


Data requires interpretation.

Is 510 a lot? Is 48.8% good? What does it mean that 1 in 10 people read at 5am?


Data could tell you that last week's email was statistically great.

Or, it could tell you that it was awful.

It depends upon what set of data you base your interpretation of the data. 

Infinitely regressive thinking is a recipe for a headache, not insight.


Perhaps the data is only telling you that the subject line was good; so people opened the email.


Data tells you X.

It does not tell you X+1.

X+1= The conversation that happened right after someone read the email.

X+1= The neural connection which was subtly established that sparked genius insight 7 hours later in something entirely unrelated.


Data is great.

Data is not human.

Your job is to balance the narrative of both.

Except, data shows that you have a bias for data. Oops.


Great leaders use data as a reference, not a playbook.


Hearts, stars, and rainbows, coffee and balloons,

-Morning Cup

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david ogle